Brand Longevity

Social Platforms Sweeping Overhaul and What Brands Can Do To Flourish When the Winds Change

Now well into their teen years, social media platforms are in a phase of adaptation and experimentation, one that will…

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Evaluating Values for Brands

Values play an essential role in establishing a brand and its image. They represent what a brand stands for in…

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So what IS the Metaverse? And why should it matter to marketers?

Marketers are familiar with social media, AR, and VR, all of which have become critical tools in shaping brands’ marketing…

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Brand Lessons in Irreverent Marketing & Tiktok

In recent years, social media has proven itself again and again to be the top channel for brand amplification. Lately,…

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The Good, The Bad, and The Future: Top Trends and Predictions from Brownstein Leaders

2021 was a dramatic year in marketing. Creativity was at an all-time high; we saw everything from luxury brands launching…

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The Inevitable Impact of the Digital Age on Brand Longevity

Technology has continued to play a pivotal role in how brands interact with consumers. For instance, this year we saw…

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Digging Up Lessons from Brands that Bit the Dust

It’s late October — time for Halloween, when CMOs are haunted by the memory of brands that are no longer…

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The Biggest Obstacles to Brand Longevity

Marketers want their brands to stand the test of time. However, pinpointing exactly how to achieve that can be difficult,…

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